Saturday, 14 March 2015

dare to dream

bee happy

today i came back from swimming and felt a little bit sad
while drinking my coffee my eye caught a piece of embroiderie from Martine
 ( )
bee happy

suddenly i realised it was the day , 9 years ago, my husband noud died and at the same time my dog blaf was born

thank you martine transformed beauty out of immense sadness and made me realise that for me death and birth were at the same time 9 years ago!

bee happy

today i came back from swimming and felt a little bit sad
while drinking my coffee my eye caught a piece of embroiderie from Martine
 ( )
bee happy

suddenly i realised it was the day , 9 years ago, my husband noud died and at the same time my dog blaf was born

thank you martine transformed beauty out of immense sadness and made me realise that for me death and birth were at the same time 9 years ago!

bee happy

today i came back from swimming and felt a little bit sad
while drinking my coffee my eye caught a piece of embroiderie from Martine
 ( )
bee happy

suddenly i realised it was the day , 9 years ago, my husband noud died and at the same time my dog blaf was born

thank you martine transformed beauty out of immense sadness and made me realise that for me death and birth were at the same time 9 years ago!