Thursday, 1 November 2012

all souls day

let's think today of all people, known or unknown, who died this year....

webbies and friends in America......hope you're safe after devastating Sandy!
not only people there who suffer, lets think of the animals too!
Beautiful post here........

monday I had a little stroke , not bad but I forget lots of things. So if I made a promise please help me remind.....


deanna7trees said...

take care. thinking of you.

Doris said...

I hope you are better now. I wish you all the best.

curieuzeneuzemosterdpot said...

ik hoop dat alles goed gaat met jou, yvette!!

fijn weekend,

Haba said...

Lieve Yff, meis ik hoop dat het nu weer wat beter gaat. Pas goed op je dondertje want je zieltje woont erin
XXX Haba