Thursday, 17 October 2013


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 the spirit cloth  classes from Jude hill are  not only about cloth and stitches. It became a way of thinking and communicating further than I can imagine  ...... a ragmate  named Grace wrote,  a couple of days back, about Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and especially about .....DO NOT ADD ......from his book I Am That.
  it seems so simple  but ...but...but.....she knows how to pick just that  and my dilemma has words. I hope this is kind of English or at least understandable.
 Do not add.....
 ...use what you have, or even more important for me.....use what you know, use what abilities you have, be who you are..... 
 All those beautiful works in  class made me so restless, eager, want to do too, my stitches are not regular, not special, my work should be felt, that's boring, I must finish something, when can I sell my work,  my posts are seldom, etcetc....and I'm not the only one thinking that way. These insights about numerous other things (Alzheimer, death, art that heals children, animals, love, loneliness, beauty and don't forget hands...hands that work and grow older, rheumatic curved fingers that heal, care ,strike and milk (Grace) are part of the circle that grows around Jude.
Not just stitches and cloth

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Thursday, 3 October 2013