Saturday, 29 March 2014

Neil Gaiman......."face life, its pleasure, its pain, leave no path untaken"

daheks 1

healing stitches

for en with Martine

 Neil Gaiman's quote came to my attention and touched me by

Blogger Mo Crow said...
(((Yvette))) there is a wonderful you tube clip by Neil Gaiman addresssing the graduating class of 2012 that gives me heart to keep going... & "make good art"
here's the link



grace Forrest~Maestas said...

yes. with Martine
shoulder to shoulder

gerdaYD said...

Laat inderdaad geen enkel pad voor wat het is, maar boven alles: kies dat wat goed voor je is lieve Yvette!

Mo Crow said...

beautiful stitches for Martine

curieuzeneuzemosterdpot said...

je (be)leeft jouw leven op je eigen manier, zowel de mooie als de minder mooi dagen!

en nooit alleen, want er is altijd iemand die met je meeleeft!

Tammie Lee said...

i believe this is so true.


Willow said...

Some of my deepest pleasure in life come after having faced and walked through very hard times.
Your profile picture is quite fascinating.