Friday, 20 June 2014

explain the pain


the book explain the pain is really really good
but my woman who re validates me is really special!
she lets me do exercises my way and my way has proven 
to be not  succesfull
when it went wrong ( of course) she asked me
what do you need right now and without thinking I said 
she didn't understood of course but when I explained that Tof was my dog who died a couple of months ago she said...i think she's here to help you?
strangely enough  from all my death love ones i could feel them around me but not Tof
suddenly she said something very special.....
maybe she keeps some distance to let you see you have to look at yourself and  accept yourself as you are 
not angry, not impatient
i am who i am
it is as it is
the baggie is little but it has not so much to carry
( would Jude Hill say)


Nancy said...

Yvette~ sounds like good words from a good helper. Take care.

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

TOF is a very Wise Spirit and the
beautiful color of the bag, the
color of Breath...
all this, so good, and will
last Forever
Love to you Yvette