I know, I know
but I miss you so
what is the meaning of me participating in life,
but I have to keep in mind that there is a purpose for me
if it's 16.00 I start feeling better
if hub is not at work he tried to talk me out of sadness
now he takes it for granted......it is what it is
for the people around me this is better than a manic episode
every cloud has a silver lining isn't it...
i know the land of depression, i lived there for so many months this year
its a hard place without shelter
because u cant c the hands that are reached out to u, u cant hear the voices that that try to comfort u, u cant feel the hearts of the people that care for u, u cant feel ur own heart, u cant find back urself
sweetie, i know the land u are in now and i can feel ur pain like i felt it years ago when i was holding ur hand <3
i send you happier colors!
The depression is hard ~ and such a feeling of deep loneliness that even those who are close and wish to help can't seem to penetrate the walls. Nature, in these times, still manages to soothe my soul into believing there is hope. Once I find a the beauty of nature I manage to think "This too shall pass" and eventually with time it does and I can live in the moment once agin. It is quite hard though and a personal journey that some are unaware of. Thank you for sharing so others know they are not the only ones and can speak about it.
Dear little lovely one: you are suffering so I am suffering with you, though too far away to hold hands or walk along the shorelines listening to water...so here is a poem I searched out to share with you that we may weep a little together knowing that all things pass, even suffering.
by Czeslaw Milosz
Love means to learn to look at yourself
The way one looks at distant things
For you are only one thing among many.
And whoever sees that way heals his heart,
Without knowing it, from various ills
A bird and a tree say to him: Friend.
Then he wants to use himself and things
So that they stand in the glow of ripeness.
It doesn't matter whether he knows what he serves:
Who serves best doesn't always understand.
Forgive my swift return Yvette...I almost neglected to beg you to eat some very good chocolate today. It will not solve the longing but it will help. REALLY!
ik stuur je liefde volle energie xxxxxx
I am sorry this is happening to you. . .
and I will even show my support by eating some *chocolate* for you too (a la the advice above from "Ms."). :)
Yvette...days have passed. i look
every day, often many times a day at
your beauty FULL silk and felted veil
that holds the Goat Keeper here and
see each time that only you could have
created this....no one else. So for
the Creations, you continue...
Love to you
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