Sunday, 21 August 2016


the picture above needed some changes
result...picture below ????
really changed.....
but that's not what I really want to say

 the  pain in my back and leg      overwhelmes me sometimes, no meditation, yoga position, positive thinking , thinking how many people suffer more severe problems, how good my life is,  can help me and sometimes I feel so helpless, I almost feel panic coming up.
The real acceptance is far away than.

suggestions please.....


grace Forrest~Maestas said...

o eeee Yvette....the soft sad kind of eee...
How hard.
if only i was near, i could come and massage your back, your leg.
I will watch and listen for anything about how to manage pain....
for now, send LOVE

Ms. said...

I'm trying to remember what the original cause was. I'll go to email because I think we discussed this. Right away however I can advocate "RESCUE REMEDY" a homeopathic for trauma from Dr. Bache-the drops and perhaps the gel as well__

It will certainly help in those moments of panic dear one.

willy said...

daar vraagje me wat Yvette

curieuzeneuzemosterdpot said...

zoveel pijn en ellende is moeilijk te accepteren, yvette!

veel sterkte en ik hoop dat er eindelijk een oplossing komt!!