Saturday, 31 March 2012

While reading the post from Donna Watson , I wondered why I often wake up very frightened. My first thoughts are all the things I absolutly must do during the day. No wonder I'm frightened. Better is to touch  one of my dogs. That brings me in a quiet state of mind. Not all those painfull stuff, but the love from the dogs and the result of that love.
Thoughts about loving and being loved, being worthful, being somebody that brings happiness around her, somebody who creates beauty.
Take time to create happy thinking must be my goal so good energy, more energy will take the place from the tired feeling and lack of energy.

Donna said.......creating from mindfulness...thanks Donna for this beautifull blogpost

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

I miss my fiber friends. My spinal injury means not being able to sit for long, to travel, to visit friends, gatherings, parties, dinners or workshops. A lot of real friends come to me, so nothing to complain. I can walk so I'm often outside with my dogs. Being on the beach, walking on mother earth is so important, so no complains. Although I'm in pain, heavy pain and need morfine to help me through the day, I'm very happy with my life, my husband, Das, my dogs, friends and all the beauty around me, still....
I miss my fiberfriends
But.....there is a book called "living well with pain and illness" by Vidyamale Burch.
Mindfulness, healthy breathing, meditating and yoga , helps me to cope with that .
so maybe......

Friday, 23 March 2012

little by little

Little by little energy comes back
spring is always the time of the year I'm very depressed (being bipolair can be difficult) I let people down by not being there for them, I start feeling guilty, I feel more and  more guilty untill I'm the worst person in the world
nobody can tell I'm not
why spring?
no idea

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

she knows it all...

Shuka, we adopted her when she was really confused. She's with us for 5 years now and it was a real puzzle getting to know her, she knew but we didn't understand. Shuka is my mirror and she knows all. When I'm sad she looks at me the way she does on the picture...come on Yvette...look at me..I need you to be strong..I need you to be joyfull...I need you to be my leader. So if I'm insecure she is and that is not a good thing. She takes over and can bite what she think is dangerous. That's why she has the thing around her mouth (snuitje). Dogs live in the here and now and Shuka (as my other dogs do too) learns me so many lessons just by looking at them.....
she knows it all!


Elly, een van mijn dierbare webbies, vroeg me waarom ik in het engels schrijf. Eigenlijk gaf ze zelf het antwoord al. Het engels geeft me iets meer afstand van wat ik schrijf, soms persoonlijke emotionele dingen. Het is poor english met veel fouten maar ik begrijp het en in eerste instantie was dit een blog voor mezelf ( Dorie dit is de reden dat je het nog nooit gezien hebt)

Friday, 16 March 2012


felting your soul is besmet dus vanaf nu mijn berichtjes hier.
malware on felting your soul so from now on I'll post here.

Noud, ver weg maar altijd dicht bij.
Nog steeds doet elk veertje me weer even bij je zijn, zoals we hadden afgesproken voordat je dood ging.

still every feather make me think of Noud.
before he died he said....every feather is a message from me to you.

thank you gave me so much....