Saturday, 31 March 2012

While reading the post from Donna Watson , I wondered why I often wake up very frightened. My first thoughts are all the things I absolutly must do during the day. No wonder I'm frightened. Better is to touch  one of my dogs. That brings me in a quiet state of mind. Not all those painfull stuff, but the love from the dogs and the result of that love.
Thoughts about loving and being loved, being worthful, being somebody that brings happiness around her, somebody who creates beauty.
Take time to create happy thinking must be my goal so good energy, more energy will take the place from the tired feeling and lack of energy.

Donna said.......creating from mindfulness...thanks Donna for this beautifull blogpost


Emmy said...

een hele mooie link
fijn weekend

Martine said...

maar lieve schat you already are.......... loving and being loved, being worthful, being somebody that brings happiness around her, somebody who creates beauty.
And you know that i love you!
enjoy the weekend and take care, dont let the winds blow you away!

curieuzeneuzemosterdpot said...

waarom al die twijfel?

jij bent een mooi mens, dat graag gezien wordt!

gooi al je negatieve gedachten ver weg en hou enkel het positieve over, want ja, jij bent het waard!!

fijne palmzondag,

Tammie Lee said...

wonderful insight
fear does drain our energy...
wishing you happy thoughts

dorie said...

zo helemaal waar, geniet van het creeeren, je doet het voor jezelf en niemand anders. Als het jou gelukkig maakt, dan straalt het weer verder door. FIjne dag :)