Monday, 30 December 2013


dear Blaf had an accident
she had an opration and now  long long revalidation period

heavy because she's such a  " wildebras " ( a dog with untameless energy )

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Simplicity of life comes with inner richness

Stitches as stars, if I make them I feel a inimini sparkel of lightness

I need it so so much

so I know what to do......

making stitches

making stars

making twinkels

making cloth

Sunday, 1 December 2013

20 steps to the shortest day
my own steps
my own road to joy
i can't feel it just yet
my way how to take my steps
for all of you...
happy feet

Wednesday, 27 November 2013


after looking everywhere and nowhere
walking with unknown destination
feeling lost
listening to a meditation
there it was............


Sunday, 10 November 2013

community garden

always a big surprise when a "webbie" does a post for you
this time such a lovely post from Fresca and what really ment a lot to me was the term

community garden

does it mean.............we all are flowers from the www united in a big beautiful garden? 
for me YES 

so thanks  Fresca and thanks all you fellow flowers for everything ( you know what)

From the community garden,
for Feathers from Heaven, whose wonderful dog Tovke recently passed away...


Saturday, 2 November 2013



gift from heaven of nature, shows you what's important

Thursday, 17 October 2013


Bijschrift toevoegen
 the spirit cloth  classes from Jude hill are  not only about cloth and stitches. It became a way of thinking and communicating further than I can imagine  ...... a ragmate  named Grace wrote,  a couple of days back, about Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and especially about .....DO NOT ADD ......from his book I Am That.
  it seems so simple  but ...but...but.....she knows how to pick just that  and my dilemma has words. I hope this is kind of English or at least understandable.
 Do not add.....
 ...use what you have, or even more important for me.....use what you know, use what abilities you have, be who you are..... 
 All those beautiful works in  class made me so restless, eager, want to do too, my stitches are not regular, not special, my work should be felt, that's boring, I must finish something, when can I sell my work,  my posts are seldom, etcetc....and I'm not the only one thinking that way. These insights about numerous other things (Alzheimer, death, art that heals children, animals, love, loneliness, beauty and don't forget hands...hands that work and grow older, rheumatic curved fingers that heal, care ,strike and milk (Grace) are part of the circle that grows around Jude.
Not just stitches and cloth

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Friday, 13 September 2013


let my soul smile through my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts

see the little gnome?

sad for me is, that the pain that went away after the operation, is back again.
I overdid my capacities
in October a new operation

Monday, 13 May 2013

The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain.


summertime and an intensive, difficult time in my life made me decide to pause blogging.

a happy summer for all of you!!!

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Nancy from

Being in the spotlight is scary.  I ask myself why do you blog if you don't like the spotlight? Well....I love making felt since the very first day I laid eyes on it in 1989. The beginning of a passion that gave me so much but was brutally interrupted, but that's for later, a next post.

felted bracelet
I started taking on line classes from Jude Hill because patchwork was another big love that started in my teens....and as an early recycler or sentimental being I used my granddads pyjama's, my brothers blouses as well as my grandma's favourite dress, the clothes from my early sweethearts have a part in my first quilts too..imagine?
Jude makes spirit cloth, so beautiful so free. I think she's one of my favourite artists ever (really she's like Chagall for me)
At the classes I met new blogfriends aka ragmates, start following their blogs and now...JOEPIE.....
ragmate Nancy
celebrates 2 years blogging with a give away and I'm the lucky one......
to be continued......................................................................................................................................

Sunday, 5 May 2013

bevrijdingsdag.....5 mei...VE-day

you and me?
don't think so

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Yak boots with lots of memories

Friday, 19 April 2013

life is never easy for those who dream

life is never easy for those who dream

a difficult sentence according to my friends

if you see your life as if there are only nice people, they only want the best for you as you want the best for them and taking care for them  as good as you can, then if you are confronted with the reality it's a rough touchdown

it happened but I can see reality better now

a couple of pictures before and after renovation
my mother, Ada, on both.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

13 maart 2006

Seven years ago you asked me to make you a felt cloth to take with you after you died. 
When it was ready I gave it to you and you beautiful and just in time, can you call the ambulance now?

A couple of hours later you died

Saturday, 2 March 2013

march, mist, missing

29 march we are going home. everything in the house looks like the picture left...covered in dust

miss you all

silkcap, dyed and felted with black merino wool

Friday, 8 February 2013

how nice to look  at seagulls doing things you can't
you don't have to try to be the same
you just amaze yourself about it

we have to stay here a month longer
so no internet
but seagulls

Wednesday, 9 January 2013


"There is a pleasure in the pathless woods.
 There is rapture on the lonely shore.
 There is society, where none intrudes.
 By the deep sea and music in its roar.
 I love not man the less, but Nature more."

Lord Byron
Saturday I'll move to a vacation house in Zandvoort aan Zee because a big renovation of my house will start. The builder, Norman, doesn't want  the doggies and me around so I'm off.
No internet but 5 minutes from sea.
see you later
I'm foetsjie (away)