Thursday, 14 July 2016

don't take life too serious...............we will not survive after all

reading quote above made me smile....

reading goes better than walking so i enjoy it
the blue illustration is a feltcloth i made 4 years ago
and today i used photoshop to dye it indigo .....


grace Forrest~Maestas said...

to me it is a dolphin and a dolphin speaking of Love

Ms. said...

Indigo is beautiful
Today is Pema Chodron's Birthday>>>look for an e mail today :-->

Mo Crow said...

I have always tied to live as if every day could be my last

Mo Crow said...

oops! tried to live not tied to live...

Nancy said...

Great quote. A little tilt of my computer screen and I can few multiple images in your blue!

curieuzeneuzemosterdpot said...

een heel wijze raad, yvette! :-))
vooral kunnen lachen met jezelf, is een pluspunt! :-))

fijn weekend,

willy said...

daar heb je groot gelijk in Yvette

gerdaYD said...

Goede morgen Yvette. het was inderdaad a sad morning (Nice en de rest vd wereld) zoals je bij mij schreef, en er kwam nog een heleboel ellende achteraan zoals in Turkije...