Sunday, 3 July 2016

mom's birthday

mam, i miss you but you're part of it all.
i see you in every pink flower and black cat, you loved so much.


curieuzeneuzemosterdpot said...

een trieste dag ..
je mams verjaardag, als ze er niet meer is!
en tegelijk een vrolijke dag, want ze heeft zoveel mooie, warme herinneringen achtergelaten!

Merel said...

Een moeijke dag voor jou .... Liefs
Gisteren zou mijn broer 50 jaar worden ....

Ms. said...

From Mary Oliver:

What can I say that I have not said before?
So I'll say it again.
The leaf has a song in it.
Stone is the face of patience.
Inside the river there is an unfinished story
and you are somewhere in it
and it will never end until all ends.

Take your busy heart to the art museum and the
chamber of commerce
but take it also to the forest.
The song you heard singing in the leaf when you
were a child
is singing still.
I am of years lived, so far, seventy-four,
and the leaf is singing still.