Thursday, 31 December 2015

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Surprises of 2016... Soon to be seen


Hope is the thing with feathers
That perchez in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all

Emily Dickinson

Monday, 21 December 2015

Solstice....the light comes back

Actually mankind wants the same
Love and respect
Please look at the things that are the same
Not to the differences
Help each other

Het licht komt weer terug, of wordt geboren.
Het wordt me steeds duidelijker hoe we als " mensheid " toch allemaal hetzelfde willen.
Liefde erkenning respekt warmte
Maar hoe we elkaar de ruimte moeten geven???
Alsjeblieft respecteer elkaars gewoontes
Kijk naar wat verbind
Niet naar wat anders is.....

Pictures from Helje

Afbeeldingen google

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Guilty conscience

We make faults ,do the wrong things but that's how we reach the goodness.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Miracles are not contrary to nature but only contrary what we know about nature

Wonderen zijn niet in tegenspraak met de natuur. Ze zijn slechts in tegenspraak met wat we over de natuur weten.(Augustinus)

I love this!
But it came as a surprise while working with leaves and cloth.

Sunday, 29 November 2015


Here is it's going to storm so hold each other firm

These fibers hold each other so strong  they became felt


To me this cloth looks a bit like a tree.......

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Sunday, 1 November 2015

All souls

Tovke Tovke

It was your time but I still miss you so much

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

wishes coming through........Wendy Golden-Levitt

years ago when i discoverd felting
i instantly felt it was my tool to heal
while working at my big cloths i became in a different  state of mind and time
all my feelings of depression suddenly were in another world
i could work for hours forgetting everything around me
so it healed me
the finished cloths were often bought by people who recognised themselves in it

not long after the death of my husband , who needed care which i could give him fortunattely being a former nurse and with help from friends
in 2006 i  got an accident and treatment after treatment, operations, revalidation. i found myself here, now not  being able to felt  any more. not being able to sit more than half an hour before the pain got too severe
But i discovered blogging and through my beloved Jude Hill from  i "met" Wendy. ( again via Jude you find the links to articles Wendy wrote in Handeye magazinze and others)
Wendy Golden Levitt iis a   Jungian oriented Therapist  who works with traumatised children and she uses cloth as a medium to heal the children
one of my last big pieces of felt wanted to travel to a brave brave girl.....
Wendy told me the girl feels the energy of my life and it helps her looking at her own pain and realized she is note alone in it

and you know what...brave..brave girl.....

you gave me back the strenght to felt again......little pieces that i can manage while i rest to unstress my back, my wish of healing through felt is coming back......
thank you Jude, thank you Wendy, thank you brave brave lovely beautiful giving girl!

Sunday, 11 October 2015

time to focus I hope

 let fall bring me my focus back please
one project to work on
the others in the bag

Thursday, 24 September 2015

leaves fall so sun shines bettter through the branches

Tovke for luck  
little bubblies are early fallen acorns
tovkes are little talismans for luck....

Thursday, 20 August 2015

I like when you smile, but i love it when i'm the reason

Chiffon, merino, wenslydale, silk waste.
The yellow color is from goldenrod.

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Want to be your funny face

Een miskoop, de zitzak. Not my best bargain
Maarrrrr Felix, aka daddy longlegsde, de eerste geadopteerde galgo, in onze familie ( door aanhoudende liefde voor Felix van mijn schoonzusje en een aarzelende broer )
Een goede verstaander begrijpt nu de rolverdeling in het gezin...
Felix dus vindt het een absoluut geen miskoop maar een zeer gewaardeerd zonnebed!
Felix is addicted by the softness of the sunbed.

Blaf houdt het zeer eigenwijs op de bestuurdersstoel!

Dit zijn toch laugh suckers instead of tear suckers

If i feel worthless, people say that the best you can do for the people around you is to show my sunny face and simple jokes mean something for the world.
One sweet dog  picture sent by my my sweet friend to make me feel as happy as possible, to and this post

Thursday, 6 August 2015

The dogs and their tree friends

If one thing helps you when you're very depressed is walking early in nature and my girls earned it so much
So no morphine
Get in the car and drive to the treefriends we are worried about after the storm

The itchy tree is ok
The tree that make me always think at Jude's stray cats is ok

But the Martine tree (last year) is down..can you see blaf left next to the tree?


We were forbidden to go into the bush but would't it be nice for the dogs to play and make holes....



We are so tiny 

But walking in the wood there was noice of helicopters so ....

A woman was missing in the water in zandvoort and the people on the beach spontane made a human life line
( thanks for the unknownphotographer )

We have forces too!

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Dealing with black

It must be boring to read , but there is an off switch and I need to write things down.
Times are over that I hide my dark feelings and pretend to be happy and full of energy to organise fun stuff
Busy busy busy so I don't feel the dark thoughts, pushing them away.
But if I feel I'm loosing it I have to concentrate at something I love
Otherwise I stay in bed feeling bad
Today was such a day, waking up crying ( why???)
Not knowing what to do with the day except walking the blackones.
We met sheep! 
A herd walks from time to time to eat grass ...everybody happy , well not everybody because you had to leash your dog.
I'm always so surpriced the real sheepherd instinct is still in tact with my dogs. Long ago the breed was official " nederlandse schapendoes "
Back home my mood softened...
Really lifting up yourself by looking at things that moves me worked today

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

despite the pain

 the comment on no escape from Michelle was so helpful that today I can concentrate on the other side of the road. There where beauty is...there where I can see the things that make me happy
thanks Michelle!

"Actually everything is simple.
There is one straight road and if you open your eyes you can go along it.
I don't see the need for all sorts of clever short cuts.
Happiness and sadness are both on the road
there is no road that avoids them
but peace is found on this road
nowhere else."

(Rabindrenath Tagore) 

Sunday, 12 July 2015

no escape

can I surrender?
surrender to the pain
not  today .....I feel trapped  ...desperate....I see no way out
pain and me must become friends